Come creare un sito ecommerce per vendere prodotti alimentari online

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Come creare un sito ecommerce per vendere prodotti alimentari online

Every kind of food product can now be traded via online channels. This is why an ecommerce can be the best choice to grow your business
Reading time: 5 minutes

Nowadays, there are many businesses operating in the food sector that have chosen to expand their boundaries beyond offline channels. To achieve this result, more and more businesses have decided to open their own online shop so as to have the possibility of increasing the number of customers.

Realizzare un tuo e-commerce, infatti, consente di poter avere un vetrina virtuale con tutti i tuoi prodotti. Inoltre, hai l’opportunità di poter comunicare, facilmente e rapidamente, con un gran numero di potenziali clienti realizzando diverse strategie di marketing. Vediamo, quindi, tutti i consigli e gli elementi da curare se vuoi aprire uno shop alimentare online.

The advantages of opening an e-commerce

The most recent statistical data confirms how one of the fastest growing online sectors is that of food consumption. Many users, in fact, demonstrate an increasingly greater desire and propensity to purchase products belonging to this category on the internet.

Creating your own online shop, therefore, means having the opportunity to ride this trend by giving great visibility to both your products and your company. Among the characteristics most loved by those looking for food products online there are, certainly, the authenticity of the products, the valorisation of the place and of the zero kilometre, the craftsmanship of the production processes and so on.

Being able to convey these values to customers is now simple thanks to an online site. The easiest way to create it is through the use of modern CMS, such as WordPress, which allow, with relative ease, to manage an e-commerce site and to have the possibility of transmitting values, mission and above all quality to customers. of the products. By managing to reach the target audience, you will have the opportunity to satisfy the needs and tastes of your customers.

I passi per creare un e-commerce prodotti alimentari

Before starting the technical development of a food website, it is important to understand whether you meet the mandatory requirements for opening an e-commerce in this sector.

In fact, there is a precise regulation that indicates that the first step must be the possession of a suitable place for storing food. This rule is very strict and requires compliance with precise rules regarding the cleanliness of the environment and the guarantee of an adequate temperature.

Furthermore, the design of the delivery service is very important and must be studied to guarantee the transportability of each type of product, taking into account its level of perishability.

You must therefore equip yourself with means of transport that allow you to guarantee a safe and reliable service, so that your products are delivered in the best conditions and within the indicated times.

Furthermore, again with regards to the regulatory framework, you must be sure that you have the permits for the sale of food, the possibility of being able to trace all the ingredients, have a laboratory test regarding allergens, have an insurance policy in case of problems, evaluate the sales conditions abroad if you want to push your shop outside the Italian borders.

Il passo successivo che devi compiere è l’identificazione del tuo pubblico di riferimento, quello che in gergo viene chiamato target. Nel Web, sono tantissimi i negozi specializzati in vendita prodotti alimentari online. Riuscirti a distinguere, quindi, è di fondamentale importanza. Cerca di offrire qualcosa di nuovo e di diverso, sia che si tratti di un prodotto o di un servizio.

The third, fundamental step is the creation of a business plan. In fact, opening an e-commerce can be compared to that of a physical store. Precisely for this reason, it is very important to carry out a market analysis, to carry out a study of the steps to be taken and the costs to be incurred.

This activity consists in the development of a business plan which contains, within it, every detail on costs, profit forecasts, the different marketing strategies and the objectives to be achieved and so on.

The importance of choosing the platform

We have seen what the requirements and preliminary steps are to be able to open your e-commerce in the food sector. Naturally, the technical part is not easy to implement and it is always better to entrust the development to a Web Agency with competence and long experience.

In this phase, in fact, you will have to choose the platform on which your site will be hosted which must necessarily have a particularly flexible and user-friendly structure. One of the most important elements nowadays is the correct functioning of sites on both computers and mobile devices. Your goal, in any case, must be to create a very easy and intuitive UX (User Experience), so as to guarantee you greater opportunities for success and profit with your online store.

When creating a site it is essential to let people know

Creating a site and not promoting it would undo all the previous work. Therefore, to let the public know about the presence of your shop on the internet you must plan and design an adequate marketing and communication strategy that can be directed at both online and offline channels.

Within your site, then, you must take great care of the product showcase. Use quality photos and at a professional level. Another possibility that could increase your visits is creating a blog within your online shop.

In fact, you will be able to give customers an additional service and increase your SEO positioning within search engines at the same time. This will allow your site to gain an organic audience.

Another important strategy for online communication is the use of social networks as a source of promotion and visibility. Within social media, communication must be direct and fresh, so you can create your community.

A fundamental element in your marketing and communication strategy must be clarity. This aspect is very important when running an online business. Be honest, therefore, about the origin of the products, the costs, the shipping times and your return policy.

Creating a brand

When you decide to open a food e-commerce you must be clear about what type of food you want to sell on your site. Furthermore, you also need to consider whether you want to produce all or part of your products and how you will decide to resell them. In this case, in fact, you will have to create your own brand.

When choosing the name of your shop you must think about following these three tips: the name of your shop must be memorable, important and easy to memorize.

Creativity must be the starting point to be able to think outside the normal box. Get help from friends and walls, good ideas are often born this way. Furthermore, if you think you want to expand your sales by also opening up to a foreign audience, it is always better to think of a name whose translation cannot be misunderstanding.

Another important decision is the colors of your brand and shop. These, in fact, must convey an emotion. Colors, as we know, influence people's moods and you must create your site without being afraid to push yourself towards more courageous and stimulating choices.

The images of your product are also extremely important as they are the first thing your customer will see and connect them with food. Making a good first impression, therefore, is of fundamental importance. Better to choose professional photographers for the shots that you can take directly in your physical point of sale.

Also, don't forget the packaging regulation. The packaging, according to national and European standards, must contain certain information such as ingredients, quantity, weight, name of your company or partner, production dates and expiry. This information, of course, must also be reported on your site.


Come hai visto, sono tanti i passaggi da seguire e da solo è molto difficile svolgere tutti questi compiti. Ti consigliamo, quindi, di rivolgerti a una Web Agency professionale e qualificata per la realizzazione del tuo sito di prodotti alimentari.

Richiedi un preventivo gratuito e affidati a professionisti del settore per ottenere un risultato sicuro e garantito.

Contact one of our consultants now

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