The fourth industrial revolution has already begun. Don't fall behind... and watch out for incentives!
Already in 2016, in Italy, the National Industry 4.0 Plan was launched which, from February 2021, was extended and made more usable, becoming a plan Transition 4.0, to support Italian businesses by offering incentives and useful tools to seize the opportunities of innovation and digital. These are measures to which new ones were added in 2022, strengthening those already recognized as effective.
The government maneuver specifically allows access to the Transition bonus through tax credit, for investments in capital goods, tangible and intangible, functional to the 4.0 transition of production processes, with the following rates:
Tangible goods, for 2022:
- 40% of the cost for the share of investments up to 2.5 million;
- 20% of the cost for the share of investments over 2.5 million and up to the limit of eligible costs of 10 million;
- 10% of the cost for the share of investments between 10 million and up to the limit of overall eligible costs of 20 million.
— From 2023 to 2025:
- 20% of the cost for the share of investments up to 2.5 million euros;
- 10% of the cost for the share of investments over 2.5 million euros and up to the limit of overall eligible costs of 10 million euros;
- 5% of the cost for the share of investments between 10 million euros and up to the limit of overall eligible costs of 20 million euros.
Intangible capital goods:
- Until 2023: 20% of the cost within the maximum limit of eligible costs equal to 1 million euros;
- For 2024: 15% of the cost within the maximum limit of eligible costs equal to 1 million euros;
- For 2025: 10% of the cost within the maximum limit of eligible costs equal to 1 million euros.
Incentives equal to:
- 70% of eligible expenses within the maximum annual limit of 300 thousand euros for small businesses
- 50% of eligible expenses within the maximum annual limit of 250 thousand euros for medium-sized enterprises
- 30% of eligible expenses for large businesses within the maximum annual limit of 250 thousand euros.
For fundamental research, industrial research and experimental development activities in the scientific and technological fields, the tax credit is finally recognised, until the tax period in progress on 31 December 2022, in an amount equal to the 20% of the relevant calculation base, taken net of other subsidies or contributions of any kind received for the same expenses eligible, within the maximum annual limit of 4 million euros. From the tax period following the one in progress on 31 December 2022 and up to the one in progress on 31 December 2031, the tax credit is recognized in an amount equal to 10%, within the maximum annual limit of 5 million euros.
As part of the PNRRFurthermore, the Ministry of Economic Development is the owner of 10 investment projects for which the use of community resources is expected for a total amount of 8.161 billion, to which must be added 6.88 billion of national resources allocated under the Supplementary fund.
Thanks to these important benefits, it is possible to access Noitech's services and TOD System's highly innovative robotic solutions, taking advantage of a significant relief on the expenses to be incurred to ferry your business into the fourth industrial revolution!